Alright, let's get personal! I'm about to spill the beans on 10 lessons that lit up and shifted my world in 2023.
These lessons prepared me and paved the way for the road ahead. Wisdom, you know, can be acquired in one of two ways. The first is the hard way – these are the lessons we learn through challenging times, the fires we walk through that burn the old away and shape our character for the NEW. This is where we are forced through the internal work required to become the person worthy of receiving and managing well the next chapter of life we are looking forward to.
The second way wisdom is passed on is by RECEIVING it from those who have gone before us: through mentorship, coaching, and hearing others experiences. The Key is actually receiving and applying it to be more than just entertainment! This way - we literally begin to collapse timelines and accelerate growth. We don’t have to struggle nearly as long or make it as hard as the ‘earned’ path. We move forward by Leaning IN to the wisdom being handed down and embracing the change + preparing for it - rather
Before we jump in, I encourage you to adopt a childlike wonder, faith, and a student's heart. For those of you who have been in the mindset, leadership development and spiritual growth game for a while - It's easy to think, "I already know this," but danger lies in that attitude! Nothing could stump our progress faster than a prideful mindset and ego-driven posture.
And there goes lesson #1! For each lesson I am giving you words of truth and life to back it up! I pray you RECEIVE this wisdom and embrace it in your own life.
Here are a few of those Takeaways to Warm your Palette!
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