Episode 154: Get Your House In Order

Uncategorized Jun 26, 2024

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In this episode, I explore the critical theme of "getting your house in order," drawing inspiration from Mark 3:25—"If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." I articulate the importance of internal and relational harmony as prerequisites for external success. I emphasize that many leaders seeking prosperity in their careers often overlook the essential requirement of a well-ordered personal and home life.

I delve into five critical areas that require attention to achieve this order. First, I stress the importance of internal peace and a right relationship with God. Then, I place significant weight on marital unity, advocating for oneness of vision, purpose, and spirit between spouses. I also reflect on the significance of investing in one's children, maintaining a hierarchy of priorities, and ensuring that external endeavors such as businesses are aligned with inner values and divine order. Through this discourse, I encourage listeners to create lasting, sustainable success through a foundation of order and integrity.

Key Takeaways:

  • Internal Order: Achieving peace and success begins with an ordered internal relationship with oneself and God.
  • Marital Unity: Strong, aligned marriages are essential for personal and professional prosperity. Unification in marriage plays a crucial role in realizing one's full potential.
  • Invest in Children: Active engagement and investing time in understanding and nurturing children can prevent future problems and create a harmonious family environment.
  • Order of Priorities: Ensuring that personal health, familial relationships, and inner peace are prioritized before external success can lead to sustainable prosperity.
  • External Reflection: The state of one's external achievements often mirrors the internal order and coherence in their personal lives.

Notable Quotes:

  • “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”
  • “I do not believe that God will bless your business, your career, your endeavors, if internally, your house, your home is out of order.”
  • “The oneness that happens when you're in a marriage, it's unification. That unification is multiplication power.”
  • “Once you know, you can't unknow. We can't turn a blind eye anymore.”
  • “As within, so without. What's going on at home is usually also what's going on at work.”


FREE GIFT! Download the 1st two chapters of DROP the ARMOR for FREE today. 

Text the word DROPIT to 844-974-4593 or Download it Here

In this book, I unpack the transformational journey + process I went through by the Grace of God over the past 5 years that has revolutionized my marriage, business,  leadership style and life in every way.

If you’re longing to live a life of ultimate freedom, deeper faith and greater purpose - this book is for you!


Book a Call. The RoundTable Experience is specifically curated for executives, founders & Impact driven leaders who want to have a thriving, powerful marriage while leading a highly successful Businesses so they can experience lives of ultimate freedom + fulfillment - fueled by faith. 

Book a Discovery call to see if this is the right next step for you.

For speaking and other requests, visit me online at https://www.thechristinejewell.com/

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