Episode 66: When Nothing is Going Right or According to Plan!

spiritual growth Oct 19, 2022

What do you DO when everything seems to be going WRONG? 

Ever felt like you are in the middle of a cosmic boxing match?

How do we navigate those days, weeks, times and seasons when there’s just one thing after another coming at you? When nothing seems to be going your way, according to plan and you have the choice to either laugh or cry. 

Last week was that kind of week for me.

No matter which way I turned, it seemed like there was resistance pushing back. In my old life I would have definitely fought, forced and pushed my way through it, but this time things were different.

Today I want to share some of the ways I navigated the last week (and this season), as well as the insights, lessons, and gifts I picked up along the way.

In this episode I unpack:

  • My comical and disheartening day! It’s been a while…
  • How God used my circumstances to speak to me and show me what I NEED to see and hear most
  • How Answered prayers often come in the most unexpected ways
  • What came through for me on the other side of this crazy day
  • Getting unstuck from the physical realm requires we shift our gaze
  • How to be more fluid, relax and ALLOW growth to happen through challenges 
  • A beautiful reminder to ALL of us that LIFE is truly what we make it 



What to DO when we feel UNCLEAR on where we are going

 and WHAT God is speaking to us…


God truly does show up in the most unexpected ways sometimes!

It’s story time with Christine. Let me take you on a journey and ask you a few questions along the way…


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