Episode 83: 7 Blocks to the FLOW of Abundance

abundance + prosperity Feb 15, 2023

Are you being ROBBED of the RICHES available to you?

We all want to live a life of abundance, yet so few of us are truly tapped into it! How is it possible that in a world where there is SO MUCH available to us, so many of us are still trapped in scarcity, constant lack, fear of LOSS, wishing and hoping for something that feels so far away or out of our reach?

I truly believe we are created to prosper in all areas.

Yet for most of my life, I didn't believe that at my core and there were deep seeded programs that kept BLOCKING the FLOW of abundance into my life. Yes abundance IS all around us, and yet - most of us are not feeling it or receiving it if we are honest. Seems like a great concept, but it isn't PRESENT + REAL for us.

It's taken me years to rewire those old programs, rewrite the stories of loss in my life and ALIGN myself to the LAWS of prosperity + Increase and today I want to share some of the biggest barriers to the FLOW that I have experienced. If you truly GET this, and remove these blocks, I guarantee you - the floodgates will start to open for you.

In today's episode I am going straight for it! I am unpacking:

  • 7 things you may be DOING that are BLOCKING you from living IN abundance
  • A Personal Story about when I first made my "agreement" with "Fear of LOSS"
  • The distorted world programs that are keeping us stuck in CONTRACTION rather than multiplication
  • Your survival brain - are you still letting IT run the SHOW?
  • Shifting into OVERFLOW - the state of MORE than ENOUGH
  • Living in the GAP - where you can't create or experience anything powerful
  • We are talking about a JEALOUS HEART/Envious Spirit, Grumbling/Complaining and SO MUCH More!
  • Prosperity is a REALITY, not just a 'feeling'. It's BOTH!

I will end where I started - if you feel like you are getting robbed of the riches you LONG for - it might be worthwhile to ASK yourself... Am I the ONE robbing myself by engaging in these behaviours?

Let's stop the insanity and let the FLOODGATES OPEN WIDE again!

"Multiply and Prosper" was both a BLESSING and mandate, not a suggestion!

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