Episode 88: 5 Ways to INFUSE Your Marriage This Week

relationships Mar 22, 2023

Are you longing to feel more of your Man’s presence and strength?

To feel like you are in an actual romantic relationship vs being his teammate, roomate, personal assistant, co-parent or business partner?

Today I am specifically speaking to the ladies out there, but men of course are always welcome to tune in and gain some powerful insight.


Today I am sharing 5 things you can focus on and do this week that will infuse your marriage.


I am super passionate about protecting and cultivating the BLESSING of this SACRED GIFT called marriage. It is truly the launch pad for everything else in our lives. The way we parent, the way we show up for our businesses, the confidence level we have in bringing our own unique gifting + genius to the world. 


When you have that person next to you who gets you, knows you, will fight for you, loves you where you are at, it pours rocket fuel into you and its’ deeply nourishing to the well of our souls! 


In this episode we are talking about: 

  • Why we MUST get these foundational relationships RIGHT
  • Unlocking the well of energy & feminine nourishment 
  • How to tap into more of your creative energy
  • The ‘roles’ you wear inside your relationship
  • Are you aware of the ENERGY you are bringing to the table?
  • Are you still repeating the patterns of your past?
  • The SHIFT that happened when I began showing up differently
  • The POWER of the Feminine Voice over a Man’s Heart


Ladies, Speak to the HEART of the MAN.

Let's be Women who call him UP to RISE, 

Instead of calling him out for what he’s doing wrong!






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