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Another layer of a MANS HEART has been revealed to me
This morning I was reminded once again with laser PRECISION that a MAN’s heart is fierce, loving, passionate and…
Territorial. ♥

Let me explain.

I believe a MAN’s heart is a reflection of GOD’s own Masculine heart.
Lately, the Masculine HEART of God has been pursuing me like wildfire
His words coming through me loud and clear.
I want to lead you.
I want to show up for you.
I want to come through for you.
I want to support you, provide for you
and be your ROCK.
Most importantly I want you to TRUST me

Men, can you relate here?

His heart goes on....
I AM the fortress to your garden
I AM the shelter to your storms,
The direction in the midst of chaos ,
The structure that allows you to FLOW,
Like the banks of a river holding you firmly
when you roar wildly or move gracefully
I AM the LOVER, Leader, Protector you have been seeking.
I WANT ALL of you.
Not part of you.
Not some of you,
Not some...

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When you are doing the work but it feels like nothing is changing...

When you're doing the WORK but the outside world doesn't feel like it's catching up... It's EASY to fall back into old patterns.

Here is why, what you can do, and how to EXPAND your WORLD...


Are you a high achiever that has had to sacrifice your health, relationships or parts of you in order to experience 'Success'? Are you DONE with that - DONE with settling for less than your SOUL DESERVES and ready to STEP into your LIGHT?


For start, our outer world is always reflection of what's going on inside of us.

I know, it's kind of hard to accept - but our outer world is constantly mirroring back what we have put out there. Sometimes we don't like what we see and that drives us to make changes.

We decide to set goals. We change our habits, we start working on reframing our thoughts.... we PUT in the work.

And then.... it can feel like crickets for a while.  In fact at times it can feel downright frustrating!

I know because I have been there. Busting my *** and...

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