Your Invitation
Why do this?
What's Included
The Program

For far too long we have felt exhausted, burned out, compromising our innermost selves to prove our value and have our voices heard.

We have struggled for many years, decades perhaps, battling our God given design; trying to think like men, act like men, operate like them, compete with them, constantly proving that we are capable and worthy.

In the process, we have become disconnected from our own hearts, from our life-giving bodies, unaware of our own beauty, unique voice and gifting. Unaware that we are incredible CREATIVE beings and POWERFUL leaders.

It seems as if we have forgotten what the Feminine Essence was designed FOR and created to BE.  

I KNEW that Place Well for so long.

I operated for decades resisting so many parts of the feminine within me, afraid to let her be fully seen - thinking it would somehow come across as weakness. Terrified to slow down, relax and really express my authentic self for fear of what others would think or…. God only knows. It doesn’t even matter.

Today I'm in a very different place. I am supported beyond measure - doing my life’s most meaningful work and living a life of true freedom and fulfillment. I can honestly say I am running all facets of my life from a refreshed (Kingdom) perspective and identity. 

And that’s exactly WHY I have created this annual event & beautiful space for us to come together - To REMEMBER who we really are at our CORE and how we can bring more of our unique gifting, beauty and voice to every arena of life!

I promise you that as you REMEMBER more of the feminine design within yourself, your confidence will increase, you will have newfound clarity over this season of your life, the need to perform and chase will wash away, and you will begin to experience more support around you as you truly PARTNER with GOD.


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Meet Your Hosts

Christine Jewell

Christine Jewell is the Founder of Warriors Of The Heart, where she helps highly achieved leaders upgrade their lives by moving beyond the superficial “life” they’ve built into a whole new playing field where freedom, true fulfillment and deeply connected relationships are the norm, not the exception.

Christine bridges the gap between the heavenly and earthly to help people receive more than they could ever imagine and experience the rich life they were created for. As a mother of 6, ages 6-20, through a blended family, a wife, and a multi-6-figure business owner, she is intimately familiar with the overwhelm and burnout that can come when building a ‘dream’ life, as well as what’s possible on the other side.

Her vision is to create a powerful community of Kingdom Minded men and women rising together as powerful Co-Creators. Multipliers who will redefine the way we lead, love, and live  from overflow in every area of life, with God as the Foundation of it all!

Dr. Jennifer Blossom

Dr. Jennifer Blossom, a native of a small fishing town on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska, epitomizes the fusion of resilience, entrepreneurship, and a profound commitment to mental wellness. With a background as a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, her journey transcends professional titles, diving into the depths of personal triumph and transformation.

Relocating from her home state of Alaska to Washington State in 2021, Dr. Blossom, alongside her husband Brian and their two sons, embarked on a new chapter in the Pacific Northwest. It's here that she has anchored her passion for empowering individuals and organizations to unlock their full potential.

Driven by a zest for life evident in her love for running, the perfect espresso, and coaching her sons' sports teams, Dr. Blossom's narrative intertwines adventure with purpose. Yet, beneath the surface of her outward success lay years of a silent struggle—intense inner pressure, anxiety, and the pervasive fear of both failure and success.

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What to Expect


This is a place where women come to win together, to connect, to forge lifelong relationships, to create a safe space where we can actually have the conversations as women that we have been needing to have as sisters, mothers, daughters and lovers.

  • 2.5 Full Days of connection, inner work and growth
  • Complete Identity Upgrade: Align your Identity to your Calling
  • Greater Confidence, Clarity and Energy
  • A Deeper Understanding the Feminine Design for leadership, relationships and the Era we are in!
  • A Renewed relationship with your Body and How to work with it/not against it
  • Identifying your Unique Calling + Gifts + Voice
  • Learn how to HEAR the Voice of God more deeply + Partner with Him in every area of life

August 23-26th, 2024

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Palm Desert, California

Christine's Integrated Approach

Everything I do is holistic in nature and addresses our multidimensional body. I take great care in curating an experience that transcends just a ‘relaxing’ get away or mindset work. It’s one your entire body and being will remember!

Physical Body

Besides talking about tactical and practical things we can put into action, we drop into a lot of somatic work since the body is our home and our bodies always repeat what they remember. By working IN your body and with your body, you can heal, move and upgrade things so much faster.

Mental Body

Mindset is not only your belief systems but the level of consciousness you operate from. We will work on upgrading your ‘mindset’ and belief structures while tapping into more expansive levels of consciousness - From lack into abundance, from contraction to expansion, from mental chaos to clarity and creative spaciousness.

Emotional Body

You emotional body is so fluid and beautiful yet many of us dont’ know how to handle our emotions and move them or channel them. As we work with our emotional body we will also work with energy to process emotions, move things that have been stagnant and learn to tap more into the magnetic space of the heart.

Spiritual Body

As you deepen into your relationship with God, with the Spirit - with your inner woman (soul) you will discover a wealth of love, support and guidance you never realized before.  We will learn how to open ourselves up to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more clearly, to access our intuition more consistently and connect with our spiritual body as a way of being.

What's Included

August 23 - 26, 2024

VIP Weekend - Exclusively for Impact Driven Women

  • 5 star luxurious accommodations in a private villa
  • Delicious and nourishing meals specifically curated to support our work
  • Plenty of down time to relax and build friendships 
  • 2 Days of Deep Work Sessions 
  • Guided Practices + Exercises 
  • Somatic Work to Support our Sessions
  • Integrated approach to address Mindset, Physical, Emotional + Spiritual Aspects so you EMBODY the work!


Lock in the client rate of $3,500 USD Per Person if secured by July 1st!

After July 1 Full Price $5000 

$1,000 USD Deposit Required to Secure Your Spot. Balance Due August 1.
*Reduced Rate for Shared Accommodations*
Learn More

DM or Voice Note Me

If you have any questions, or you want to talk through any elements of the Women's Retreat please click below to DM me, or send me a voice note.