Episode 112: How to Determine The Best "Way"

Uncategorized Sep 06, 2023

One of the biggest questions we all struggle with is, am I doing the right things?


How do I know if I'm on the right track? 

How do I know what the best way forward is?

What is the best way to make this business decision?

What is the best way to handle this business deal?

What is the best way to solve this problem, this marriage?


The way is often what trips us up and causes the most stress and the most grief.


Figuring out our “formula” for creating and building in a way that is actually expansive is a great challenge for so many of us. 


In today's episode, I'm unpacking 


  • The three different personality types and mindsets that people create from
  • The consequences of creating, building, solving problems from each one of these “ways”. 
  • How our experience and our journey is going to change based on the way we decide to create. 
  •  As always, a personal story about what I've discovered is my “way” that yields the greatest results, the most success, the most fulf...
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Episode 111: Our Way vs His Way: Increasing your Capacity to Receive

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2023

In today's episode, we're talking about being stretched. 


Stretched in our capacity to receive… stretched in the reorganization of what we think is POSSIBLE. 


How often do we limit ourselves? Limit what we're willing to receive? Limit what we're capable of receiving, based on what we think we can accomplish or do by our own means? We even limit what we ask God for, what we think HE can do. 


Recently I had a personal experience before hosting the women's retreat where I asked God to stretch my capacity to receive, and boy… did he SHOW UP. 


So in today's episode, I'm sharing…

  • The stretching process as we are growing in our capacity
  • Who are you when you're being stretched? 
  • How do you handle yourself while you're being stretched into the next version? 
  • The unexpected unplanned ways that God comes through with even more when we get out of the way.
  • Our plans and our way are so limiting versus when we allow him to step in with his plans and his way. 
  • Surrendering,
  • ...
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Episode 110: The Power of Journaling: 5 Steps to Growth + Discovery

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2023

"We have a greater responsibility to prosper and steward wealth to be multipliers.”


This week on the Untamed Life, I explore the pervasive issue we all encounter—how to stay clear and focused amidst the constant barrage of chaos and distractions that modern life throws our way. 


Do you struggle determining what truly deserves your precious attention amidst a never-ending to-do list? Unresolved tasks, unaddressed debts, and missing infrastructures: they hold us back from achieving what God has planned for our lives. 


Begin to shift your focus from survival-based questions to Kingdom-level questions. What is your long-term vision and purpose? This shift in questioning can help you gain clarity and prioritize what truly matters.


In this episode, I unpack how you can align your actions, mindset, and infrastructure with your deeper purpose, including how to:

  • Elevate Your Questions: 
  • Master Foundational Habits
  • Build Essential Infrastructures


These practices prov...

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Episode 109: The Art of Play to Unlock Creativity + Healing

Uncategorized Aug 16, 2023

"Your inner child's love language is play.”


This week on the Untamed Life, I dive into the liberating journey of breaking free from the weight of perpetual problem-solving and embracing a more lighthearted, creative existence. 


We are after all infinite creative BEINGS! Yet, we have a tendency to become weighed down in the seriousness of life and in turn disconnect from our inner playfulness.  


When we do that for an extended period of time,  it’s as if the life force sucks right out of us. By shifting  our focus from external controls to nurturing our internal environment, we can uncover the fascinating space of our inner child & the power of play. 


In this episode, I uncover the transformative potential of infusing our lives with childlike wonder and discuss how to:

  • Shift Focus to Internal Control
  • Reconnect with Your Inner Child
  • Balance Responsibility with Play


To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell

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Episode 108: Throwback Week 2 - The Power of Partnership with Mark

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2023

"Integrity: the state of being WHOLE or UNDIVIDED. Soundness. Completeness"

For the second week on The Untamed Life, I’m gearing up for my upcoming relationship workshop, Mastering the Art of Communication, with a throwback from one of my most popular episodes.

This week we’re revisiting one of the most unique recordings, Getting into INTEGRITY with my husband Mark. The energy of this episode was created by the lush greenery + abundant life we enjoyed while recording in a treehouse in Mexico!

In this throwback, we unpack:

  • What integrity means to us right now
  • The power of DECLARATIONS over your life + how they advance your mission
  • In today’s episode we Unpack 
  • Cleaning up Impurities that rise to the surface
  • SUSTAINING the new life you WANT
  • The SEASON of Re-aligning 
  • Creating INTEGRITY + ALIGNMENT in your business
  • COMPASSION + GRACE through the process
  • FEMININE + MASCULINE Integrity  


Whether you spend time in a treehouse, mountain cabin, beach hut, or your sacred ...

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Episode 107: Throwback Week 1 - Secrets of Power Couples

Uncategorized Aug 02, 2023


"True freedom comes from within"

For the next two weeks on The Untamed Life, I’m gearing up for my upcoming relationship workshop, Mastering the Art of Communication, with throwback clips from some of my most popular episodes.

This week contains highlights from:

  • Episode 28: Power Couple Secrets + DIVINE union
    • Let’s define what a POWER COUPLE really is


  • Episode 30: Overcoming Saviour Complex + EMPOWERING each other
    • One simple tool to separate yourself from a savior complex


  • Episode 48: Is LOVE enough? Let’s Talk Honor, Respect + Behavior
    • How to get to the true SOURCE of love + stop relying on others for it


To learn more about private or group coaching, apply here. https://linktr.ee/christinejewell


Connect with Christine!

  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thechristinejewell
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechristinejewell
  • LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/christine-jewell-9361612a
  • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/
  • ...
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Episode 106: Build a Deeper Connection through the Art of Communication w/ Mark Jewell

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2023

"You can do amazing things with praise + laughter +  joy."

This week on The Untamed Life, I’m gearing up for my upcoming relationship workshop, Mastering the Art of Communication. When working with clients, I find that 99% of the time, the “problems” they think they have within their relationship are never really the issue. In turn they are fighting and solving for the wrong thing!

Communication is Key but we have to make sure we are clear on what we are trying to solve for!

For the next 3 weeks we’ll dive into aspects of communication in our relationships that can move us towards multiplication territory.

The foundation of this work is starting with ourselves first, Instead of expecting our partners to change. We’ve got to be centered enough to see clearly - yet how often are we showing up exhausted?

Attempting to pour from an empty cup while ignoring our own needs is a recipe for  frustration and resentment, which create walls and canyons inside relationships.

In this episod...

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Episode 105: Limitless! Being able to see beyond our 'self'

Uncategorized Jul 19, 2023

"Bring a hundred percent of yourself and trust God to do the rest."

This week on The Untamed Life, I’m challenging and stretching your vision on how we view and ultimately limit ourselves. We are infinite creative beings designed for growth and creation, yet we get attached to external things that we have established our identity around - the very definition of building your castle on sand. 

Something exponential shifts in us when we stop asking, “Who am I?” and start asking, “God, who are You?” Begin to explore what’s possible in our union with God by spending time in solitude to get to know yourself and remember what lights you up.

Part 3 of the Identity Series reminds us to develop core confidence and identity that will remain when everything else is stripped away. I touch on how to develop our core identity, including:

  • Having a meeting with your future self
  • How to become comfortable with our own words, decisions + authenticity

Who we are - our identity - affects every ...

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Episode 104: The Power of Solitude; Identity Series Part 2

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2023

"Who are you when no one is watching?"

Welcome back to Part 2 of the Identity Series. Today we are diving into the topic of  SOLITUDE and discovering who we are beneath all the layers of noise and external labels. I trust you will get to know yourself better from today's episode! 

Being alone for any extended period of time is one of the most terrifying things for so many. On the other hand, a moment alone is also the one thing we crave but can’t seem to get enough of in the busyness of life. Not only does solitude give us relief from all the noise - but it reveals who we truly are, especially when we incorporate it as a practice. 

There are depths to our being that we aren’t even aware of yet. We keep playing at the surface; but God is wanting to reveal so many deeper - richer - layers of ourselves when we meet him in the quiet place, free from the distractions of the world. 

In this episode, we are unpacking 

  • 3 steps to embrace SOLITUDE for better relationships
  • How spendin...
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Episode 103: Identity Upgrade: Who You're NOT

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2023

“We get so busy in the do-ing, we forget about the be-ing.”

This week, I want to explore the topic of identity and how it affects our confidence and fulfillment. It's astonishing how easily we can lose touch with our true selves amidst the pressure cooker of daily existence. We form and collect identities when we’re young as a method of survival and success, but these layers BLIND and INHIBIT us from entering miracle territory. Our TRUE ESSENCE is still within us, hidden behind a veil of deception.

Think of the last time you cleaned out your closet, tossing pieces you’ve outgrown or don’t flatter you anymore. We should do the same with the metaphorical closet of our hearts and minds - shedding our ill-fitting identities and layers of societal expectations that have ensnared us for years. Your nicknames, medical diagnosis, level of education, marital status - those labels are just descriptions the human mind created to make sense of a world in CHAOS. Consider that even positive lab...

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